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Fighting is a fact of life when it comes to RPGs and anime often makes violence an form of art. This chapter, thus, explains how combat is to conducted in FARPS. Keeping with the rules-light trend that the
game system and most other Anime RPGs stick to, you'll find that
combat with FARPS is quick and easy.
The first step in any fight is to determine "who goes first". This is what most RPG veterans call Inititive. Each participant in the fight must roll a 2d6 and add their reaction stat modifier to the dice roll. Whomever gets the highest result gets to act first. The other participants then get to act in decending order from highest to lowest. Time in combat is measure in 'rounds'. Each round counts as 10 seconds where the character may take one action- attack, dodge, use a power, or whatever else they feel like doing. In addition, they can also move. There are five forms of movement: Walk, run, swim, jump, or climb. Walking can be done without taking up a full action and the character may walk an amount of meters equal to their Agility. Running takes up a full action and allows the character to run (Agility x 2) meters at the cost of their chance to act. Swimming, Jumping, and Climbing are different special movements that should require must explanation. In each, the can swim, jump, or climb an amount of meters equal to their Agility divided by two. Usually the main purpose of any fight is to inflict bodily damage on another person- the more the merrier in most cases. This works as an opposed dice roll with each character rolling a 3d6 and adding (or subtracting) their Agility modifier. Whichever character gets the best results wins. The attacking character should use the appropriate skill for the attack (the guns skill if attacking with a gun) while the defending character can either use the same skill (if the attack can parried or blocked) or the dodge skill. Okay, so sometimes it's better to just get the hell out of the way of an attack rather than countering it. By declaring that your character will be actively dodging, your agility bonus temporarily doubles. Yes this may be a little wierd (extremely high agility character will be able to nearly dodge anything), but it's fitting. For low animeter games, a +2 dodge bonus maybe better. Example: Bob the Destroyer is trying to beat up Timmy the Timid. Bob just happens to have an agility modifier of +2 and a Big Guns skill of 15. Not to mention that Rocket Launcher he happens to be carrying looks like it'd hurt if you were hit with it. Poor Timmy, on the other hand, has a dodge skill of 16 and an agility mod of +2. Fate most likely will not be in Timmy's favor so Timmy goes on the defensive. Both participants make their dice rolls Bob comes up with a 8 while Timmy scores a 10. With the modifiers, the rolls come out to 6 and 8. Since Timmy is defending however his roll is bumped up to down to 5 - just enough to let him dodge the attack. The Rocket flies by Timmy's head just barely and Bob's got plenty more ammo where that came from... So you hit your opponent- what now? Since you succeeded with the hit, you inflict a certain amount of damage. First of their are two types of damage in FARPS: stun and kill damage. Stun damage (done by blunt weapons and hand to hand manuevers) will cause unconciousness when a character is reduced to zero HP. Kill damage (done by sharp weapon and guns) on the other hand will draw blood and at zero HP the character is near death (can we say "911"?). In extreme anime settings, kill damage is considered stun- after all what's the fun if a major characters gets blown up? In both cases, damage first depends on the weapon or manuever used by the player, the character's skill divided by 3, and their P. damage stat. These three scores are added together and the total is subtracted by the opponent's armor rating (if they have any) to get the final damage inflicted. Example: Bob the Destroy smacks Timmy the Timid with a Mega Mallet (a giant mallet that does 12 damage as a base). With his mighty strength of 18 he does 10 points of damage just out of brute force (18\2 + 1) and melee weapons skill of 12 contributes an extra three points. The total comes to 25 points of damage. Timmy better watch out.... Being smacked around hurts alot- especially if you wind up getting reduced to zero HP. If this happens, the gamemaster may (if they so desire) roll for damage after effects. Roll Effect 1-10 Memory Loss 11-30 Broken Bones 41-70 Assorted Bruises 71-90 Broken Bones 91-00 Personality Switch Memory Loss: The character has temporarily lost his memory due to his recent beating. Their memory will slowly return in roughly a month and the only thing the character will remember is their name. If the opponent was vastly superior to the player, the GM has the choice of giving the character a temporary phobia of their assailant. Broken Bones: Ka-snap! You broke something in your fight- normally a limb. Roll a 1d6 and compare on the chart for where the break happened. The broken bone will heal in roughly a month in extreme anime campaigns or two months in a normal anime campaign. Assorted Bruises: No major detrimental effect- you just have some various bruises and cuts to remind you of your loss. Keep those bandaids handy. Personality switch: This one is mainly for comedic potential and may\may not be suitable for more serious game settings. The character's personality polarizes- they now do the opposite or act in a totally different way than normal. For instance, a character who is normally shy will suddenly become an arrogant outgoing pervert. They could even develop a totally different personality (a combination memory loss\personality switch) where they think they are someone else all together. While the topic of damage is fresh on your mind, how does one go about regaining lost Hit Points or spent Power Points? The rate of recovery depends on the animeter level of the campaign. Extreme: Due to the odd way all damage seems to vanish after a few minutes, all characters heal damage at a rate of Muscles x 3 HP per hour. Spirit Points recover at a slower rate equal to their Spirit per hour. Normal: Damage heals at a slower rate depending on the type of damage the character is healing from. Kill damage takes the longest, with the character regaining a number of HP equal to their Muscles stat. If the character is under the care of a doctor, the rate is increased to Muscles x 2 in HP. Stun damage is healed at Muscles in HP per hour as the sting from the bruises slowly fades. Spirit Points are restored at a rate of Spirit in SPs every two hours. Low: The healing rate is the same as with Normal level animeter campaigns. Sometimes you'll want to attack a specific part of your enemy- a
hand, an arm, or maybe whack 'em on the head? This is what a "called
Shot" is. By taking a called shot, the character's attack roll is
penalized. Notice that the torso region (the abdomen and chest)
is missing on the below chart. Normal attack (ie, non-called shots)
are assumed to hit the torso region (or where ever the GM feels
like letting the blow land).
There are extra effects for hitting a special body part. Reducing
the head to 0 HP will cause an instant knockout. Reducing an arm
or hand to 0 HP will restrict them from attacking using that arm
or hand. Reducing legs or feet to 0 HP will halve the character's
agility in terms of movement. And reducing the head location to
0 HP is an instant knockout. For clarification's sake, the damage
done to each region of the body does not effect the character's
main pool HP (although it probably should).
If the GM demands it, called shot modifiers and effects can ignored.
Afterall, this is an anime RPG and many anime are reknown for smashing
people over the head with mallets and whatnot (granted, this is an
innate ability of all female characters in any extreme animeter game).
Getting that itchy feeling to kick some rear? If you're planning
to make a martial artist character, then you'll want to get nice
and cozy with the various Hand to Hand Manuevers. These are the
"essential" attacks that anybody with the hand to hand skill
can use. Each has its own modifier (which, by the way, are
penalties to attack rolls).
A knockdown is when the technique causes the intended target to
fall down. Once on the ground, they'll be forced to get up off
the ground- a proccess which means they'll lose their next
initative (in a group fight, they'll go last).
This part will be short, since there are only a few weapon
manuevers. Like Hand to hand Manuevers, these allow a player
to do various effects with their melee weapon of choice.
Trip: By using a staff (and only a staff- it doesn't work with
other weapons), the character
Entangle: Usuable with any whip like weapon (including ribbons
or Chains). If successful, the attacker can wrap their whip around
an opponent's limb. This can have three effects, depending on what
limb is entangled. If it's an arm, then the opponent cannot use
their arm (or the weapon in the arm's hand) for an attack. An
entangled leg will impede the opponent's movement- they can
move (agility\2) in meters but can't run. An entangle head (which
means the attacker snagged their whip around the opponent's neck)
is a cause for concern since the player is starting suffocate.
For each round they are choaked, they temporarily lose 2 points
of vitality. If they reach a vitality of zero, they fall
unconcious. Entanglements can be broken out of by opposing strength
tests- if the entangled character gets a higher roll then the
entanglement is broken. Choke victim regain the Muscles back at
a rate of 2 points a turns and the loss does _not_ effect their
HP rating. An entanglement is considered a called shot in terms
of the penalty.
Full Entanglement: This is a trickier version of the normal entanglement manuever in
that the attacking character attempts to entangle both of the
opponent's arms or legs. By entangling the arms, the opponent cannot
do any attacks that involve the use of their hands. If their
legs get wrapped up, they won't be able to move period. Like the
normal entanglement manuever, a full entanglement can be broken with
a sucessful opposing strength test. Attempting a full entanglement
from the start comes with an extra -1 penalty on top of the normal
penalties for a called shot. If the full entanglement is attempted
after securing a normal entanglement, the penalty is halved (mininum
Backhand: By using the flat part of their blade, a character can inflict
stun damage instead of killing damage with their weapon. This
can be mostly be done with a long sword, greatsword, Axe, or
Nagitana. Trying to perform it with other weapons (say a knife)
is questionable at best.
This wouldn't be much of anime RPG if players couldn't make up
their own Hand to Hand or melee weapon manuevers would it?
Especially if you were going to play a martial artist along
the lines of the Nerima gang (Ranma 1\2). A new manuever is a
special technique that the player has mastered- think of them
along the lines of special moves used by characters in a
fighting game. There are several options available that
players can bundle together for their new manuever. Starting
characters should be restricted to 3 CP (or 4 CP for
multi-strikes) manuevers while they are creating their
Increased damage (1 CP p\ +2 damage): The damage of the attack
is increased.
Increases speed (1 CP p\ +1 agility): The attack is done faster
with more accuracy than normal giving the character a getter
chance to hit.
Multi-attack (2 CP p\ extra hit): The equivelant of Chun-li's
Lighting leg or E. honda's 100 hand slap. The character can launch
multiple punches, kicks, or whatever during one round. This
manuever can also be used for Kenshiro's Fist of North Star or
Ranma's Tenshin Amaguriken even though both attacks land way more
than three or four extra hits. Because of its power, it cannot
be combined with other manuever options.
Example: Ichiro has a 3 hit multi-punch called the "rocket punch".
Having a strength of 7, Ichiro could do a total of 21 points of
damage before the extra damage die or armor modifications.
Sometimes, you're going to have characters who are crackshots with
a gun. There are a couple things different about shooting off a
gun than using weapon or hand-to-hand attack. First of all there
are five firing modes: Single Shot, Burst Fire, Burst Spray, Full
Auto, and Full spray (stolen promptly from Palladium and Shadowrun).
Single Shot: The character can shoot off one single shot. This is
considered to be a plain normal attack.
Burst Fire: The character squeezes off three shots one after another
at one person. The damage of the attack is increased by 25% but has
a -1 attack modifier.
Full Auto: The character goes fruit loops and starts shooting off
as many shots as they can. Regardless of animeter level, they blow
a full clip and must spend the next round putting in a new clip.
The damage is increased by 50%. |