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Most characters aren't like normal people. Maybe they're super
strong or can generate energy blasts? In FARPS, all supernatural
powers- be they comic book style super powers, magic, psionics, or
something else altogether. The nature and effects of all powers
are ultimately left up to the player. If they pick Energy Blast
for instance, it can be a lightning bolt, a telekinetic Blast,
a fireball, or whatever as long as it remains true to their
character concept. GMs should feel free to disallow players from
picking up powers that are totally unnecessary for their intended
character. For instance, what would a mecha thrashing school girl
need telepathy for?
Many powers require the expenditure of Spirit Points (SP) to activate them. Thus each power is listed with two costs: CP cost and SP cost. CP cost is how many Character Points the player must spend from his initial supply of 30 points in order to get the power. This is often listed as "R x #". The R stands for the rating. Higher the rating, the stronger the power. SP cost is how many spirit points they have to spend to activate the power. Some power costs will be listed with a slash mark (\). The number on the left side is the "activation Cost" to turn the power on while the right side number is the "Maintance Cost" which must be spended each round to keep the power on. Power chart Armor The character's skin is naturally tough or perhaps the character
can turns his skin into a different type of material (say like the
way the demon turns his skin to stone in Ninja Scroll). As a
result, they gain an armor bonus equal to the power rating times
two. A high rating (3+) would mean the character's skin might be
metalic or an otherwise extremely hard material.
Change Shape (version 1) Through this power, the user can change their physical appearance.
It will not, however, allow the character to change the substance
of their body or turn into something non-human (say, a normal
human turning into a fire breathing dragon). This is handy for
someone trying to disquise themselves as someone else giving a +2
bonus to a appeal+acting roll. The bonus is _not_ accumulative
if the character has Illusions (minor) as well. Their height and
weight can also be changed (up or down), but only by 10%. The
process of changing shape requires a full round to perform the
Change Shape (version 2) In this version, the chraracter can not only change his physical
appearance as according to the version 1 Change shape but can
change the substance of their body. This would allow character
to do a large number of things including blending in with a wall
or object to hide (-2 to the searcher's brains + perception
roll), changing your arms or legs into a weapon (damage equivelant
to 1\2 the intended weapon), or increase\decrease physical attributes.
If the power is used for the last option, then the most the character
can increase a stat is by two points. In addition, the character
must take an equal penalty to another stat. For instance let's say
character X has a strength 6, agility 8, and stamina 6. He wants
to temporarily increase his Stamina by two points so he takes a
minus two penalty to his agility so now he has a strength 6, agility
6, and stamina 8. If stamina is increased, armor is increased by the
same amount. The character may also change their mass, but may
only modify it by 50%. So a 6' guy could change himself to a 9'
Change Shape (version 3) The ultimate version of change shape, the character can (on top of
what version 1 and 2 offered) change into absolutely anything of
an unlimited mass- from a cockroach to a 20' version of himself.
They may change their attributes by as many four points, but like
version 2 the character must take an equal penalty. Despite how
big or little the character gets, there is no statistical effect
aside from how they can change their attributes. They could change
into godzilla, but they would still have their normal HP and
stats (although they'd have godzilla's teeth and claws). This
power also cannot be used to transform into purely mechanical
Comet Rush An improved version of the flight skill, the Comet rush allows a
character to move at mach speeds. They can fly 5 times their agility
in combat and may fly around the planet in a matter of minutes
outside of combat. During its use, the character is surround by
flaming aura (the color is of the player's choosing- yellow or
a light blue being the more common colors) that makes them look
like a comet.
Darkness Despite the name, the character is capable of performing an attack
that renders the victim temporarily blinded. How the character
character accomplishes this is up them. Popular examples of this
type of power in action include Sailor Mercury's Mercury Bubble
Splash (Sailor Moon) and Tien's Solar Flare (Dragonball Z). All
darkness powers have a radius of about 5 meters reguardless of
the use of the area effect modifier
Energy Blast The character is capable of focusing a form of energy into a blast
of power. This power can include such standbyes as Lightning bolts,
fireballs, chi blasts, telekinetic blasts, and so on. The damage
done by the attack is equal to the rating of the power times three
plus the character's spirit ((rx3) + WP). The character should
define the effect and nature of the energy blast when they pick it.
Example: Ichiro, our favorite Chi-blasting martial arts high
school student from the anime RPG setting Battlemaster High, has
a spirit of 14 and a level 3 energy blast. 14 divided by 2
plus one comes out to a 7 as the base damage while the rank of
of energy blast increases the damage to a whopping 28 points.
Special Energy Blast Modifiers:
Doomsday Effect (special): Recommended for very powerful energy blasts
(level 3+). The energy blast has the damndest habit of blowing up a
large amout of real estate when used. The higher the cost cut, the
bigger the area it blows up. Despite the size, it only damages one
target (or multiple targets if combined with another modifier).
Killing Blast (1): In normal animeter games, all energy blasts do stun
damage. By buying this modifier, the blast does killing damage. In a
low animeter game, all energy blasts automatically do killing damage
so this modifier is mainly for normal games only.
Shockwave Effect (1 CP\2 m\y radius): With this modifier, the character
is the center of his energy blast which explodes outward like a bomb.
For each CP put toward the modifier, the range of the blast is increased
by 2 meter\yards.
Flight The character is capable of flying in any direction- up, down,
forward, backwards, and so on. The exact distance the character
can travel in one round is equal to their agility x 3.
Force Field Through this power, the character can generate a protective force
field that will shield than from attacks by absorbing the damage.
The exact amount the forcefield can absorb is 5 times the power's
rating and it has an armor rating equal to the power's rating.
A level 5 forcefield for instance would have 25 HP and an armor
of 5. If the force field is depleted to zero, the character will
take the leftover damage of the attack and must spend a round
re-activating the force field. Activating the force field
takes a full round to activate and it regains a number of HP
each round equal to the force field's rating.
Illusions (minor) The character can creat minor illusions which mostly include
small illusions. In other words, the character can change his
appearance into something else. For instance, remember
(?) from El Hazard? The sexy phantom tribe assassin who tried
to kill Makoto at the springs by creating the illusion that she
was a buxom blonde offering an apple that was instead a Knife?
That's a perfect example of the power's capabilities. Seeing
through the illusion is possible but requires a successful
Perception + notice test. Normally, the illusion will fool
most people under normal circumstances. Gamemasters are recommended
to let players try to see past the illusion if the character
using the power does something that would make them suspicious
of the user.
This power can also be very effective when combined with the
disguise skill. If the user wants to, they can mimic a person's
voice as well as their appearance. In game rules, this gives the
character a +2 bonus to a intelligence+disguise roll. If the
successful, then the character can mimic the person they want
to become properly. This power cannot be used to mimic something
larger or smaller than the character's normal state of being.
Illusions (Major) This power is a stronger version of the illusion power. Through
it the character can produce large elaborate illusionary worlds
around its victims. In anime, this effect has been used any
number of times in Sailor Moon (first series) by various Negaverse
monsters. The illusionary world can be of anything the user wants
or desires. This makes can make it hard for normal characters to
see through the illusion. If combined with the mind control power
(a feat that _only_ NPCs should ever be capable of), the difficulty
for the mind control test (spirit + use Psychic Powers) should
result in a 2 point bonus.
The Illusions (major) power can also be used to imitate things
larger or smaller than the user. This has its ups and downs, as
the user's true shape doesn't actually change. The illusion also
cannot inflict damage. For instance a character who turns into
a dragon that smacks a person will not do anything but shatter
the illusion.
Mind Control This is another somewhat questionable power to allow much like the
illusion powers. If the GMs feel that it may cause problems with
game balance, I recommend pulling it then. It is somewhat more of
a villain's power anyhow. No player should ever be able to buy
both Illusions (major) and Mind Control, ever.
As the name might suggest, this power allows its user to take control
of another person's mind for a limited amount of time. The procedure
for this is ultimately the character's choice such as some well told
lies. While under the controlled person's power, the victim will do
whatever the user says. In order to succeed at a opposed dice roll-
the user's appeal + Persuasion versus the victim's spirit +
Concentration. If the user is successful, they can give the victim
simple commands to do ("Go kill Kenny") and the victim will do it
as long as they can make a successful dice roll. They will not do
anything that will cause harm to themselves (although a clever use
of illusions (major) could make them thing that cliff over there
was a pond). Also if the character commands the victim to someone
whom they have strong feeling for (such as a girlfriend), the
victim will have a chance to resist the user's control (spirit
+ concentration test, +2 bonus if the connection is extremely
strong such as a lover or family member).
There are also other methods of breaking the control. For instance,
attacking the user of the power is one way. Using this power takes
alot of willpower and requires their whole attention to maintain
control. If they get hurt, then the control is lost.
Regeneration Through this power, a character can regenerate hit points each round.
The exact of damage healed is equal to the rating of the power times
three (rx3). Under normal circumstances, the character can heal just
about any kind of damage. If you feel like making the characters
sweat a little, damage done by acid cannot be regenerated (such
wounds have to be healed naturally).
Resistance The character has built up a special resistance to a specific form
of damage or power. When struck with that type of damage\power, the
character only takes one\half damage or increases the character's
ability to resist the power by 2 points. Some possible damage types
include fire\heat, poison, sharp weapons, blunt weapons, magic*,
psionics*, and ice\extreme cold.
* Magic and psionic resistances could be cut up into different areas
such as mind related effects or attack magic.
Sense Illusions This neat (but rare) power allows characters to see through any form
of illusion. If villains are going to be using illusions frequently,
It might be a good idea not to let the player armed with this power
to take any other powers.
Shadow Meld Sometimes used by anime ninjas, a character with this power becomes
almost invisible if they have an ample amount of shadows to duck
into. The exact bonus should depend on the situation, but some
example are listed below. In addition to its obvious use in stealth,
it can also be use to make sneak attacks on an opponent. In these
cases, the bonuses are halved (round down decimals).
Super Fast Thanks to something (martial arts training, cybernetics, alien powers,
magic, psionics, latent super power, a chemical accident, and
everything in-between), the character is capable of moving at speeds
that are beyond normal human capabilities. Normally, a character can
walk a number of meters equal to his agility stat and run in
meters\yards equal to their agility times two. For each level of
super fast, the multiplier\divisor is increased by one (at level 1
super fast, the character can walk a number of meters equal to their
agility). Each point of Super Fast also increases the character's
reaction stat modifier by one point due to their speed.
Super Jump The character through has trained themselfes in ways to jump higher
than most humans are supposed to be able to leap. Normally, a
character can jump up a number of meters equal to his agility divided
by 2. For each level in the power, the divisor decreases by one point
to zero with s. jump level 1 before it becomes a multiple at level
2 or agility x 2.
Super Strength Thanks to something (martial arts training, cybernetics, alien powers,
magic, psionics, latent super power, a chemical accident, and
everything in-between), the character is capable of lifting things
far more heavier than what most normal human can do. For each point
in Super Strength, the character is capable of lifting an additional
500 pounds of weight on top of their normal lifting ability. With a
super strength rating of 5 and a Muscles rating of 20, they could
easily lift three tons! For each point in Super strength, the character
also does an extra 2 points of damage in any form of physical combat.
Super Tough Thanks to something (martial arts training, cybernetics, alien powers,
magic, psionics, latent super power, a chemical accident, and
everything in-between), the character is capable withstanding more
damage than any mere mortal. For each point in this power's rating,
the character's HP\Stamina multiple is increased by one point.
For instance, a guy with a Super tough of 5 would get 11 times their
stamina in HP.
Telekinesis The user of this power is capable of picking up things by using his
mind. The amount lift is the same as if the character's spirit
attribute was his strength. The character may also try to lift
more than he would normally be able to lift, but would require
a successful spirit+user power roll.
Telepathy The user of this power has the ability to talk to people through
using their mind over distances normally not possible. When the
connection is made, the two characters are capable of speaking
without talking out loud. Use of this power requires use of the
spirit + use power skill. The larger the distance between the
recipient and the user, the harder it will be to establish the
Feet vs. meters. If you prefer yards to meters, each meter equals
one yard and one kilometer equals one mile. Sure, it's not an
exact conversion but since when has anything in this RPG been
Teleport The character teleport from one place to another instantly in one
round (10 seconds). This means it can used to travel over long
distances instantly. Like Telepathy, Teleport requires the use of
a spirit + use power roll with the same difficulty modifiers
as telepathy. So a character who wants to hop 50 km (or miles)
they would have a -6 modifier to their roll.
If gamemasters desire, they may allow players to take power modifiers
that enhance or restrict the powers the character has chosen. These
modifiers increase\decrease the CP cost of the powers. No power can
be reduced to under 1 CP.
Area Effect (1 CP per 2 meter\yards): Normally, most powers can
only effect one target. For every extra point, the power has an
increased radius by 2 meter\yards. This modifier is well suited to
large flashy energy blasts such as fireballs. Optionally, gamemaster
may increase the SP cost of using the power by 1 point for every
extra 2 meters\yards added. Certain powers cannot be used with
this modifer. They include:
Focus required (-1): The character uses an object such as a sword,
bokken, or amulet to focus their powers from. If the object is
destroyed, then the character is incapable of using their powers
until it can be repaired or replaced.
Killing Damage (+1): Available in low and normal animeter level
games. The character's attack powers (namely energy blast) inflicts
kill damage rather than stun damage.
Special requirement (-1): In order to use their powers, the character
must fulfill a certain physical or mental requirement. The requirement
should be something that the character would have trouble accomplishing.
For instance, an alcoholic who would need to be sober or pacificist
who has to become enraged.
Transformation (-1 or -2): Many anime possess characters who can
tranform from their normal selves into their superhuman alter-ego:
Sailor Moon & the sailor scouts, the Guyver, Gowkaizer, and so on.
By taking this modifier, the character can only use their powers
during their transformed state. At -1 CP, the character merely has
to will the transformation to take place. At -2 CP, the character
must also abide one of the below disadvantages:
Magic. The arcane studies. The Black Arts. There are many names for
this supernatural power- almost as many as its sibling Psionics (aka
Psychic powers). Magic and Psionics in FARPS act as a meta-power that
allows the character to use any power he wishes. The catch is that the
character must buy the magic or Esper power which costs a whopping
3 x rank. Each rank allows the character to perform a 2 CP power.
So at rank 3 the character could mimic a 6 CP power (say, flight).
Another catch is that the 'spell\power' only works for a limited
time. All powers cost SP to use. If the power doesn't normally have
an SP cost, it now costs an amount of SP to use equal to its CP cost
and 1\2 that in order to keep running it. So if a magician casts
a rank 2 super speed spell (rank x 2 CP), it'd cost 4 SP to activate
it and 2 SP per round to keep it running. It's not much of a system,
but it's better than nothing. All magicians and espers -must- have
the use power skill. Each time they use a spell or power, they have
to make a succeful use power roll.
About the use of Psionics vs. Magic: Obviously some may wonder
why I'm snowballing the two of these supernatural power types together.
The answer is that the two are similar enough that a single mechanic
can handle both of them. Magic is an art of controlling external
energy (specifically Mana) while psionics is the practice of focussing
internal energy (mind over matter). The main differences are in the
excecution and as the GM you'll want to make that clear to your players.
Magicians cast spells- they make fancy speaches in wierd languages
and big effects. Psionics involves somewhat more internal practices
but can be just as vocal (screaming as they hurl a wave of kinetic